Epic Las Vegas- what a trip! Some of the shots were done at the Nelson Ghost Town, just outside of Las Vegas, which is one of my absolute favorite outdoor locations to use for a shoot. I've shot there at least 2 dozen times! If I have a client in Scottsdale that wants to shoot at the Nelson Ghost town, I will drive them there to's that good.
Kimberly castle came to Vegas for this shoot, and this was one of the top 2 photo shoots Kim and I have ever done together...and we've done several! Monica Brant also photographed the Issue 6 of BodyScape Magazine cover at this location, and we had Shayla Perez on hand for all of the hair and makeup.
On this shoot I used 3 Alien Bee 1600 portable strobe lights with a beauty dish and grid, 11" long throw reflector and a 7" standard reflector.
Canon 5D Mark 3 camera
Canon 24-70 MM prime lens
Canon 70-200 MM prime lens
A variety of Paul C Buff softboxes and grids